Introduction: This self-assessment 'quiz' is designed to help you explore potential symptoms related to trauma and ADHD. It is not a diagnostic tool, and the results should not be taken as a diagnosis. If you have concerns, please consult with Drs. Amelie van den Brink-El Makkaoui directly who is a qualified mental health professional.

Instructions: Please answer the following questions honestly, based on your experiences over the past few months. Choose the answer that best reflects how you've been feeling.


Questions (grouped by category for clarity):


Trauma-Related Symptoms:

  1. Do you experience flashbacks or nightmares related to past events? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  2. Do you avoid situations or places that remind you of a traumatic experience? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  3. Do you feel emotionally numb or detached from others? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  4. Are you easily started or hypervigilant? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  5. Do you have difficulty sleeping or concentrating? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  6. Do you experience intense emotional reactions to apparently minor triggers? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  7. Do you have feelings of guilt, shame, or worthlessness related to past experiences? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)

ADHD-Related Symptoms:

  1. Do you have trouble paying attention or staying focused on tasks? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  2. Do you find it difficult to organize tasks and activities? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  3. Are you easily distracted? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  4. Do you struggle with impulsivity, such as interrupting others or making rash decisions? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  5. Are you restless or fidgety? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  6. Do you have difficulty regulating your emotions? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)
  7. Do you often lose things or forget important appointments? (Often, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)

Scoring and Results:

  • Often = 3 points, Sometimes = 2, Rarely = 1, Never = 0.
  • Thresholds for each category (Trauma, ADHD) & Combined
  • Trauma:
    • Below 7: Not significant trauma-related symptoms
    • 7-14: Potential symptoms related to trauma
    • 15-21: Strong indicators of trauma-related symptoms


  • ADHD
    • Below 7: Not significant ADHD-related symptoms
    • 7-14: Potential symptoms related to ADHD
    • 15-21: Strong indicators of ADHD-related symptoms


  • ADHD & Trauma Combined
    • Below 14: Responses do not suggest significant combined symptoms of trauma and ADHD. (This would mean relatively low scores in both categories.)

    • 14-24: Responses suggest some potential combined symptoms. (This could mean moderate scores in both, or perhaps a higher score in one and a lower score in the other.)

    • 25-34: Responses indicate potential for significant combined symptoms. (Likely means higher scores in at least one category, if not both.)

    • 35-42: Responses strongly suggest significant combined symptoms of trauma and ADHD. (This would likely mean high scores in both categories.)


If your results are in the 'Potential' or 'Strong' thresholds in either of the three categories, we  recommend and encourage you schedule a consultation with Drs. van den Brink-El Makkaoui (a therapist) to discuss your experiences and explore treatment options. I t's important to remember that this quiz is not a diagnosis.